>>42408912>Year you were born1997
>First Pokémon game you ever playedDiamond
>Favorite Pokémon gameHeart Gold
>Favorite PokémonGarchomp
>Least favorite PokémonMagmar
>Favorite music track in the gamesGiratina's theme platinum
>Game mehcanic you want back in the games the mostFollowing Pokémon
>Least favorite mechanicDynamaxing
>Pokémon that needs a pre-evoDuraludon
>Pokémon that needs a cross-gen evoSpiritomb (lacks potential for me)
>Pokémon that needs a regional formAegislash (Different Blades and shields)
>Honest opinion on Sword & ShieldBW2 are the same price in the second hand market
>2D era or 3D era?2D for sure but that's because I love sprite art
>What type of /vp/ post do you dislike the most?Apologists
>Describe your appearanceShit
>Unpopular Pokémon opinionPMD gameplay is boring but the story is worth it most of the times