>>39019665>appeal to popularity. pathetic argument.No, what's really pathetic is pretending that popular things are bad you contrarian tranny.
>they were the last games that had the option to be challenging. Except that isn't true at all. Are you so braindead that you believe them having a mode with the word 'challenge' in it makes it hard? You don't even seem to understand that all challenge mode is, is them putting back the difficulty in that gen 5s base difficulty took out in the first place. Platinum is objectively harder than BW2 challenge mode. USUM are the hardest games in the series. BW2 challenge mode is like 3rd / 4th hardest. Regular S&M are debatably harder.
>These only bother you if you're a literal neckbeard/autist/incel/(insert generic 4chan invective)And yet gen 5 trannies use that argument against gen 6 and 7 all the time, but when it gets pointed out that not only did gen 5 do that but it started that shit off you estrogen filled fucks scream about it being fine.
>source-less claim.Pic related.
>opinions. Not opinions at all, every popularity poll that has ever been had has consistently shown gen 5 Pokemon to make up the majority of the bottom slots with barely any in the top.
>no one cares about competitive except retards.Shitter detected.
>and yours isn't?Calling trannies out is hardly throwing a tantrum my ass ruined friend lmao
>Claims to be a Hoennfag>Immediately outs himself by saying the region is boring, and every other region is shit besides Unova, the objectively worst region in the series.Oh I am laffin'
>>39019751>Sure usum is harder, but I was referring to the friends, the shit region and the npcs interruptions, handholding is also a form of casualization. You're free to say that, but everything you've just listed there (friends, shit region, npc interruptions) is done in the gen 5 games and LITERALLY started there. Gen 5 is to blame for starting this. The other games only continued it.