>>31376913Can't win unless you're willing to lose. Try something new. Doesn't even have to be anything crazy, go to a sensory deprivation tank or apply for a better job you're only barely qualified for. Take a day off and drive to the nearest tourist trap town and do tourist shit. Do something, break your routine.
>>31377304Yo, let your doctor know you're feeling emotionless. Depression meds are meant to balance your brain chemicals and make it so you can feel good again sometimes, so you're either on too high or too low of a dose, or the wrong drug entirely. Don't change anything on your own, but let them know exactly how you're feeling.
Anyways, for my shit,
I'm kind of poor. I make around $15 an hour, which is alright considering I have no college education, but I'm paying for my wife to go to college and that's fucking expensive. I feel like every time I get something saved up, I lose it all to some completely random thing that fucks me over and I have to start back at nothing. The most recent financial disaster was my car dying entirely. Had to buy a new one on very short notice, which set me back to nothing and now I have car payments (the old one was used and I just bought it outright). By the time my wife's new semester started a week ago, I only had exactly enough to pay for that so now I'm back to nothing again. I feel like there is no win condition for me here. No matter how well I save, no matter what I plan or provision, my station in life never improves. I fight so hard and end up with nothing. It all feels futile. I also have chronic back, neck, and knee pain as well as probably having depression (I mean, I'm pretty sure, but I don't have a diagnosis so I'm not going to openly claim it) but I never go to the doctor myself despite having insurance because the deductibles and copays are so high. Also, my father has just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and has maybe two years of semi-decent movement left in him.