>>56226942>>5622694861 seconds wasn't fast enough, I'll make a mental note to change it when we get to Goldenrod. Anyway, we arrive in Violet City at 10:02pm on a Wednesday. The current team is:
Pooper (Wooper) L10: Bubble, Mud Slap, Tail Whip
Soil (Swinub) L12: Powder Snow, Rock Throw, Mud Slap, Tackle
Powerpuffr (Qwilfish) L14: Bubble, Poison Sting, Tackle, Defense Curl
Pikachu (Elekid) L14: Thundershock, Karate Chop, Quick Attack, Light Screen
Gay Rock (Geodude) L15: Rock Throw, Take Down, Mud Slap, Harden
Lettuce (Bayleef) L16: Razor Leaf, PoisonPowder, Reflect, Growl
If we get a new encounter in Sprout Tower, I'm making the executive decision to swap out Qwilfish. Fishing just kinda feels like cheating.