This game fixes my autism regarding having the whole team be at level cap. Because fuck that. Speaking of FUCK. All the natures i got + losing Shinx because Tackle missed left me slightly steaming.
I spent a good while running around with Budew for friendship and I was watching a show during, not noticing 'day' was replaced by 'night' in game so I can't evolve it yet. It still swept Roark. Mars got swept by Thwomp and Pidgit swept Gardenia. I'll probably switch up my team to take care of some weaknesses. Eyeing Pachu and Murkrow specifically.
>>48450652Nice team, Anon. Don't know how blind you want to go but, Lilligant is
Part Fairy might keep that in mind for the next gym
>>48450500F for the Duck
>>48449746Since you're switching up squads alot. Any mon that pleasantly surprised you?
>>48449515BASED. I believe in you Linoon Breeder!