>>34032837In my opinion I thought it was executed really well and helped making Ash-greninja as great as it was and saved it from being an total asspull. It was one of the more """deeper""" arcs this series has seen.
Again, I'm thinking the way people acted towards Ash made a lot of sense. It wasn't like he didn't get scolded or called out on by the others. This happened plenty of time but it's understandable if you forgot it since these events happened mainly in the first half of the series. I think you're exaggerating a bit with how well treated Ash and instead of Ash being developed from the other characters the other characters developed from him. Both Clemont and Serena had major insecurity issues and Ash was the perfect character to help them with this. Clemont and Ash had plenty of interactions and became really good friends imo. Even Clemont going back to his gym to train so he wouldn't disappoint Ash. Serena's dick sucking became too much from time to time but she had set this extremely high bar for Ash and the Snowbell arc really shows her disappointment in what Ash became. Bonnie of course saw Ash as a role model and became more like him as the series progressed. Instead of Ash developing together with the other characters (like with Dawn which imo was the best companion relationship in the series) Ash was the role model and the other characters developed around him. I can understand why people wouldn't like this though. It makes the protagonist seem like a Gary Stu in a way however I thought it was justified in XY since he should rightfully be above everybody else after so much experience.
I also agree that they could have put more time into developing Ash's flaws but it was hardly as severe as you and others put it and in all honesty what happened before the snowbell arc and the arc itself saved a lot of face when it came to this.