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Kanto starters, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Pikachu, Nidorino, Zubat, Paras, Psyduck, Abra, Machop, Geodude, and Ponyta lines, Farfetch’d, Seel, Gastly, Drowzee, Electrode, and Cubone lines, Hitmon family, Lickitung, Tangela, Horsea, Mr. Mime, and Jynx lines, Tauros, Magikarp and Dratini lines, Mewtwo, Mew, Johto starters, Sudowoodo, Aipom, and Sunkern lines, Unown, Wobuffet line, Shuckle, Slugma line, Stantler, Miltank, legendary beasts, Larvitar line, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Torchic, Poochyena, Wurmple, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts, Whismur, Nosepass, and Skitty lines, Mawile, Plusle and Minun, Volbeat and Illumise, Spoink, Trapinch, and Cacnea lines, Seviper, Solrock and Lunatone, Corphish line, Castform, Kecleon, Clamperl family, Luvdisc, Registeel, Latis, Groudon, Jirachi, Bidoof, Kricketot and Shinx lines, Burmy family, Pachirisu, Buizel, Glameow, Stunky, and Bronzong lines, Chatot, Lucario, Hippopotas, Finneon, and Snover lines, Rotom, Phione, every Gen IV legendary and mythical except for Giratina and Shaymin, Victini, Tepig, Oshawott, Patrat, Purrloin, Pansage, Panpour, Munna, Pidove, Blitzile, Woobat, and Timburr lines, Sawk, Venipede and Cottonee lines, Basculin, Darumaka, Dwebble, Trubbish, Zorua, Gothita, and Ducklett lines, Emolga, Karrablast, Shelmet, Foongus, Frillish, Ferroseed, Klink, Tynamo, and Cubchoo lines, Stunfisk, Druddigon, Golett and Pawniard lines, Bouffalant, Vullaby line, Heatmor and Durant, Deino line, Cobalion, genies, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Chespin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Scatterbug, Litleo, Skiddo, Honege, Spritzee, Swirlix, Inkay, Binacle, and Clauncher lines, Dendenne, Goomy line, Klefki, Pumpkaboo line, Hoopa, Volcanion, Rowlet, Popplio, Yungoos, and Crabrawler lines, Wishiwashi, Mareanie, Fomantis, Morelul, Salandit, and Bounsweet lines, Oranguru and Passimian, Sandygast line, Pyukumuku, Type: Null line, Turtonator, Togedemaru, Bruxish, Drampa, Dhelmise, Jangmo-o line…