Welcome to the local Showderp Bakery! Our head baker, who we like to call “Champ,” bakes fresh bread every Friday afternoon and sells whatever’s left over of it at a discount on Saturday before throwing it out, but Zarel and her ring of goody bandits have stolen the secret family recipe!
It’s up to the anonymous bakers of /vp/ to give Champ six new recipes for Champ to bring into cook-offs with the goody bandits, which Champ will post a link to in this bread for the anonymous bakers to watch and cheer their head baker on! When the head baker decides it’s time to take off the oven mitts, hang up the apron, and call “new champ,” whichever quick biscuit using a tripcode to reply first will take up the mantle as the new head baker and will be given six new recipes to face off against those no-good goody bandits with!
>Cookbook:dogars.ml>Yeast cabinet:showderp.booru.org>How to bake bread:https://pastebin.com/Q3ZKqPUa>Current head baker:!6eqm9n3zTI