>>26878793Only by means of an internal faculty or experience can a Greninja, by means of the Bushi-do, learn to seek and embrace pain so that they may tolerate it to the utmost degree, and continue barraging at the twisted confusion of the opposing warrior, who has given his all and to no avail. Perhaps Greninja has learned to deny its taste buds the sensation of good food and drink by dulling its senses, or by practicing consistently using a menus akin to poison tolerance to allow it to become numb and dull in sensation. But this does not do anything to help any of the other weaknesses, and in fact, the odd sensation of the numbness of the tongue would only magnify the trouble of dealing with these other issues. And how can we really suggest that they have taken this measure considering the obstruction of any instances of either possibility within the anime, or the continued permutation of this one-trick pony of a joke?
And is it not ironic that they would cast the scarf, the part whose significant feature was to conceal the thoughts, emotions, and plans of the ninja by hiding the facial features, and thus body language, of the ninja, becomes not only the most distinct and noticeable part of the Greninja, but also its most sensitive part to external stimuli, and especially in regard to body language and instinctual spasms, doomed to give away the cover of any frog doomed to be in the presence of someone with at least the watchfulness of a drunk bodyguard?