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Got Pikachu version for Christmas because I wanted to give it an honest shot and the shiny rates made me want to give shiny catching a shot. I've been enjoying it so far, I always like collecting the most out of these games so such a thing is right up my alley, I really enjoy seeing Pokemon on the overworld, I'm glad following Pokemon is back and retooled for certain Pokemon, Pikachu helping you out is adorable, and I like the general aesthetics of the game. On the other side I absolutely hate how difficult things are to catch at times popping out of 10ish Pokeballs even with a Razz Berry applied, I hate how the capturing when not on handheld is because it misjudges my throws so much, and the difficulty is just nonexistent with trainers having Pokemon 10+ levels below anything you have even if you're swapping them out constantly.
Also ended up buying the Pokeball Plus after someone yesterday mentioned Target had them on sale and for the sale price + a gift card I had I want to say it's fun for the gimmick and Mew is a nice bonus, but holy crap is the original $50 price point dumb. There's some good and bad with these games, and while I don't like the dumbing down I do like some of the changes they've made and hope they stay. Currently in Route 24 right now hunting for a Timid Psyduck just because, hopefully I find it.
>Finish typing this post.
>Suddenly find a shiny Psyduck out of nowhere in a 13 chain.
>Decide to just keep going since my luck might get me a Timid soon.
>Two encounters later find another one.
I don't even believe my luck anymore. This is my second and third shiny ever outside of the pity Gyarados.