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Out of Pokeball, been training one to level 100 in every generation since the beginning. Fell in love with the design, and was cemented with the Jeanette episode of the original series.
>Scrafty and Toxicroak
These two would be my A-Listers, both rivals and best-buds with one another. They both just ooze a sort of punk style that I can't help but love. I bet they'd be fucking great at break dancing.
My unexpected bro from Gen 4, who I originally thought was just useless and derpy. Once I actually used him and he blasted everything in his path like a wrecking ball I fell in love, and that goofy look became endearing. I always thought he'd be killer as hell if game mechanics weren't an issue; start off a fight with Ingrain, then use his roots to control an Earthquake and launch some rocky pillars above ground wrapped in his roots that could allow him to pull off Power Whip attacks from multiple directions at once.
I've never been a good swimmer, so having at least one "lifeguard" handy only seems natural. Kingler was my favorite water type back in Gen 1, and that has endured all the way to Gen 6. He's a big mean motherfucker, and no Crawdaunt or Clawitzer will ever replace him in my eyes.
How it took until now to get a T-Rex Pokemon I'll never know, but this guy is definitely my favorite fossil yet. If you're going to be traveling out in the wilderness, sometimes you just need a Pokemon that's the biggest and baddest around.
Plus, riding around on a T-Rex is pretty much a childhood dream of mine. If we're talking fantasies, I may as well live out that one.