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I know I didn't check in very much, but I'm busy and need to get these things out. Sorry.
THIS SURVEY WILL ONLY BE OPEN FOR TWO DAYS (closed on April 20th because this day is almost over). This is to get more surveys done faster, get more redesigns officialized and into game-ready surveys. We rarely get 'winner's because the surveys take so long and there are always more designs. If you would like the time open to be longer, comment and we'll discuss it.
We are trying something new with the 'ranking' questions, starting at erace. Please comment on whether you like it more or not!
Any designs that I missed will go in the next one. Please point them out.
I did not survey uncoloured designs in this survey, as uncoloured designs are not necessarily on equal playing field and I do not have time to colour them myself.
This affects: Monezuma final evo, Magroplex redesign, thin Aguanaut (I never got the art for him so he couldn't be on the survey anyway), Boarealis redesign... If someone wants to quickly colour them, I can get them in the next survey.