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Warlocke Rules:
1: Standard Nuzlocke Rules. (1 catch per area, Fainting = dead, dupes clause, etc.)
2: Every name has to be war themed. (Military Ranks, vehicles, weapons etc.)
3: May not use healing items on active the Pokemon. (Medics on the front line get shot)
4: May not bring more than 5 of any item after stocking up in shops. (Resources are scarce in war)
5: After the 6th Pokemon is obtained no other Pokemon may be drafted into the squad unless it's to replace a fallen Pokemon. Additional Pokemon are kept in PC as reserves. (Squad sticks together, no man left behind)
6: Be as brooding and cliche as possible when making updates. ("War changes people", "I can still hear their screams", "What are we even fighting for?", "I wish this war would end", etc)
Things are looking up for this campaign. We've made it to Vermilion city without being noticed by the Enemy, but the base of Lt. Surge is heavily fortified. Fortunately our intel suggests that there is specialist on the S.S Anne who can get us in. It may be a stab in the dark, but it's better than surrendering.
While looking into the matter the troops will resume their training. The new recruit, Corporal Meowth, needs to be brought up to speed on our mission and the boot camp is starting to fill up. It's the calm before the storm...
"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."