As of 2016 they aren't dry, just caught in "collector's purgatory" of not being used so they're "maintained."
>Relative had Red and stuck me on buying coins for a Scyther.>Likely Slowbro fan for life because he had one. (He's the universal Pokemon joke between my Dad and I).>Used Missingo glitch before finishing the game, so no clean first Champion win for me.>CHUCKED my Red cart because I thought I had thus ruined more than I already knew I had, despite having been hyped to the point of hesitating to play it at the start. I have several dumb Pokemon stories but that's the crown jewel. Bought Blue to replace it.>"You're not using the flashlight to play your Game Boy during the power outage." (Was doing Silph Co. at the time)>Attended an eventual Pokemon card banning school.>"We think his Nidoqueen got stuck in the link cable.">Didn't catch the TV series on TV often so that got it unwarranted hype from me.>Had sitter in third grade while my mother was going back to school who brought us so many VHS tapes that even I as a kid I was convinced she got them second hand for the cost to make sense.>Tracey West's novelizations. Her original books would have made great mini-arcs. And of course Mewtwo getting the "single tear" after the thing.>Spoiled about Red on a simple white html page with his team surrounding his sprite in a circle, Charizard using the gapping-moutt into sprite. "The last battle is... ASH KETCHUM?!">Currently living in the same house I was sitting in when I first fought Lance (not where I lived at the time). Beat him the first time, I think, but hype to be sure.>>34974595Aye, had that!
>>34969962Affirmative! All I remember concretely was "This cannot be my destiny!" falling flat even at the ripe old age of 8 and naturally having that one part of the ending spoiled.