>>18195352"W-Well, uh, gee, this is super awkward! Let's just start over--What's new, future Champion? This here is the Laverre City Pokemon Gym and boy, does it have some truly confounding conundrums! They usually don't allow girls, but they let me in because I'm an official representative of the League, now I get to ogle at pretty girls all day! This gym is totally confusing, and has tons of shockers for you to discover.-- The first shocker is this here is a Fairy-type gym. Bet you three have never seen one of these before!"
That's the first of many blows to your psyche today. The only experience you've ever had with Fairy-types are from Dedenne, and he doesn't exactly have many options to work with in that area.
Such an astonishing deal requires documentation, the inquisitive side of Serena's breaks out as she retrieves her journal from her purse, "A Fairy-type gym? You're correct, I haven't seen one before. Should my companion be concerned?"
Clyde ponders over it, but then shakes his head, "Nah. Don't worry, daddy-o, though I should let you know, only the coldest of irons and the deadliest of toxins can take the twinkle out of these fairies' shimmer-glimmer glammer! Anyhow, the second shocker is how you get around! Hop on one of the warp panels and off you go, but where you'll land, nobody knows! Ha! Just pulling your leg, Champ! The warp panels all have fixed destinations, of course. So go on! Step on a flashing yellow panel! I'm sure the gym leader is somewhere in one of those rooms!"
>Hunt the gym leader down!A) Head to the study.
B) Head to the bedroom.
C) Head to the parlor.
D) Head to the dining room.