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What are some things that people on /vp/ do or say that'll let you know they're just a shitposter?
>I like Hoenn
>f a m, or any of its derivatives
>t b h
>basically just nigger speak in general
>they hate following Pokémon
>they hate fairy type
>they think South America is a good region inspiration
>gen 1, 2, 4, and 5 are bad
>XY is the peak of the series
>defends smogon bans
>dislikes any of the gen 7 starters
>thinks Rowlet won't be Grass/Ground
>thinks Memehoot still exists
>wants a "hard reboot" of the series
>likes Greninja
>dislikes the genies
>they hate leak season
What are some things you can think of, /vp/?