i probably should have recorded here, but don't want to record literally everything, just anything of note
magcargo fucked up the ninetales, flamethrower'd cacturne, then GODloom went to work on the rest of his team kek. his crobat always goes for nasty plot turn 1 so i could spore and rock slide it to death. his houndstone got the full 3 full restores treatment while i slowly spored and seed bombed it to death
the sucker punch AI is really fucking annoying desu, the input reading is actually fucking absurd
>flamethrower cacturne to its sash>attacking again makes it sucker punch>swapping makes it always go for trailblaze>>>>aqua jet (which goes before sucker and would make it fail, but doesn't even do damage because of water absorb) makes it use energy ball if you just have to resort to input reading to make your le pokemon game hard you should never work on anything ever again
Whiteouts: 134
>>56257027ah, my bad, the tilesets looked similar
sadly i don't think the gym badge gated mines ever have really anything of worth beyond the explorershit early on