>CERTAIN TRAINER FOUND DEAD ON THE BALCONY OF PARFUM PALACE>Yesterday, a trainer by the name of the Calem Calemson collapsed after falling into septic shock on the balcony of a bedroom in the famous Parfum Palace. The only person present at the scene was another trainer, an acquaintance of the deceased who wished to only be identified as "Shauna". >She is currently held in questioning as she was the only witness to the tragic event, although she proclaims innocence, things are not looking too good for her. It is presumed that she can get up to sixty-four years in federal prison if she is convicted of forcing her friend into shock, the cause of which was hot, sweaty, unenjoyable, ambiguously-aged 15-16 year old hot bod sex.>In other news, a boy by the name of Tierno is raring to be this region's next big-ticket dance mas-Sycamore closes the newspaper and lets out a deep breath of sweet relief and satisfaction.
"That's the end of that, nothing to worry about on my end anymore. Now to simply sweeten the deal with Malva, perhaps use the old charms to get ma cherie out of all of her obligations, then we can run this lab together.. always.~"
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"As for somebody to complete the journey ahead and finish the dex for ma cherie and our research... I suppose it's never too late to promote Monsieur Trevor from C-list status to A-list hero.."