>>34361860Wailord is base 175/87/340, you *might* see it defending gyms.
Kyogre is base 297/276/200 and 100% IVs would reach 4178 CP at level 30. Expect it to get nerfed like Mewtwo.
Swampert is base 223/190/215 and with ground/water typing looks to be somewhat useful, but would still be outclassed by Vaporeon. 100% level 30 would be 2413 CP. Maybe useful for Groudon raids, but Gyarados would probably do better unless they troll us with Primal Groudon's water resistance.
Milotic is base 207/257/205 with 2543 CP if 100% level 30. It may be a worthy gym defender.
Relicanth is base 177/249/215, 2192 CP if 100% level 30. Its rock/water typing might be useful for fire type raids.
Not worth mentioning are Pelipper, Ludicolo, Sharpedo, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Gorebyss, Castform, Luvdisc.