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i hate this fucking seven symphonies hack and sped 0 so much you have no fucking idea. it encapsulates everything wrong with pmd / pokemon fan works in all the worst possible ways. but it'll be popular with all the mouth breathing morons because it includes a bunch of vanilla characters from the different pmd games because that's all you need to do to be a good hack to the masses i guess. which means we'll see more of this because it's what's poppin jimbo. how the fuck you read this dogshit dialogue and don't just want to peel apart at the seams from cringe is insane, using the names of moves and abilities like their fucking stand powers jesus FUCKING CHRIST
this hack is so cookie cutter dogshit awful and riddled with bugs. nearly every cutscene plays out the same where you get to a new floor and watch other people do the plot while you jerk off in the cuck corner that is the hall way. the dungeons are copy and pasted and tedious. the writing is overly edgy for a game that uses sky as the base plot. It's nearly unsalvageable and is an ungodly amalgamation of pmd and all the worst shonens in existance. i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it. look guys look it's dusknoir and grovyle and celebi and team charm and team flame and team razor wind and wigglytuff and chatot and lucario from pmd1 and ampharos from super and look guys look it's my greatest achievement
by the way, i know you fucking cocksucker devs are scrolling this thread and are going to tell on teacher. suck my shit, think for two seconds about the basics of writing and game dev, and maybe on your third hack you can make something worth a fucking damn.