It feels wrong to have mature team members like this so early but GRANICE's typing makes me paranoid and WILLYWINKY was always going to be a Slowking anyway, might as well give him Ice Punch (I have P$59 left so he better not die)
At this point I think the best thing would be to do Cinnabar, then Mahogany, then Olivine, if only so I can get Thunderpunch on O'Flaherty to deal with Dewgongs and Cloysters. I've never done GSC out of order though so I'm kind of tempted to do Pryce first
>>39707703Fucking hell, I really hope you make it through this one
>>39709174I LOVE BITCH DEER! I'm really glad you asked because I've always wanted to use Stantler. Everyone's on this team puts in work but BITCH DEER is my most reliable switch-in when someone else is in danger. He only has Normal coverage but he's fast and he tears holes in things, and he almost never misses a Hypnosis (that's where the llama spit blurb comes from)
Your team looks great though! I'm never satisfied with Bronzor in-game but I bet it's great for Nuzlockes