>>48724238Today just ain't my day
>Breeze through to Fortree with no issues whatsoever, catching a Tropius along the way since it was the only viable encounter>Realize that if I go east of Fortree,I stand a good chance of getting either an Absol, a Seedot (AKA Shiftry), or a Kecleon, all of which would be good>After 20 min, catch an Absol>After grinding it on some gym trainers, decide to go further unto Route 120 to get some more EXP/EVs since I figure it needs to level up ASAP since it's my plan vs Tate and Liza>Run into a random double battle with a Parasol Lady and Cooltrainer>Kill the PArasol Lady's Castform with Harris, only for the Cooltrainer's Manectric to OHKO Absol>GOD. FUCKING. DAMMIT>Say "Fuck that shit" and fight Winona, sweeping her easily with Joan after 2 Calm Minds>Breeze through unto the Magma Hideout with no issues until I run into Patton.>Try to catch it because I need a good Ground type and I have Impossible Evolutions turned off so Golem fits that bill perfectly>Refuses to stay in the fucking ball, so not wanting to risk any of my actually good team members, send in Artemesia, who then dies to two Rollouts>Ifonlyyouknewhowbadthingsreallywere.jpg>Manage to finally catch it>Breeze through the Magma base and shitcan Maxie with Rickenback because he is the GOATNot gonna lie, I'm not liking my chances vs Tate and Liza. I have a plan but it's a shaky one that relies on a lot going right (mainly damage rolls)
I'm also realizing that it's near impossible to keep Isabella on par with everyone else because of her poor offenses and defensively inclined set. She'll still be useful but I feel like I'll have to bench her sooner rather than later
In fact, regarding the last two slots, given the HM heavy nature of the rest of the game, I feel like I'll have to roll with Joan/Rickenback/Magellan/Harris until E4 time where I grind up two backup members (probably Delahaye and either Nelson or Patton) to deal with what the others can't