>>339486574/6 not a fan of some of your choices but I like the beginner theme you went for, no sarcasm
>>339492535/6 never cared for Talonflame but the rest are top notch
>>33949338>4/6 Dunsparce is a false god but it's good to see Drampa get some love>>339496923/6
>Electric themed card and name>Only one electric type>Sylveon and LucarioAt least Gogoat is cool I guess
>>339499955/6 Don't care for the card design but those are some pretty cool pokes you got there
>>33951359346 Happy to see Girafarig in here but eh
>>339514066/6 everything from mon choice to TC design to the name is amazing and chill
>>339514115/6 Hey, it's Rapidash! I like the other mons up there too except for gardevoir.
>>339514576/6 nothing to complain aboout and great card design