>>42411988>>Fandom is broken, split in two sidesIt is definitely divided but don't know if I would say two sides
>Games are finally getting exposed for the poor effort put into them during the last 20 yearsGood, but a lot will probably change their stance when the gen 4 remakes are announced
>Masuda has bashed a dexer in desperation to make him shit upThis was an idiot move by Masuda and only made things worse since sites reported on it
>Joe "Gimme your Money" Merrick is getting exposed for his hypocrisy and for being a paid shillIt's about time. Shame, he had some dignity before USUM or so.
>Creatures Inc. is removed from the companyWe still don't have the full story on this or what it means going forward. They could have simply been absorbed by Nintendo or something.
>With most probability, Game Freak won't have much time to spend anymore in the Pokémon brandUnlikely. The DLC will make them more money than a third game would have. It is easy to give up on the franchise and play something else then continue to beg for something better cause they won't do it.