>>36293253Volcanion's a bit outdated but since the concept as a whole is rotating out it turns into Ho-oh GX / Kiawe, which is a cheap but effective deck to end games in 4-5 turns with minimal effort from yourself. It basically involves just shifting stuff to rotation-on
>FFB becomes Choice Band>Float Stone bye bye, better get another couple Switch/Escape Ropes and Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX>Volcanion and the smol versions become Ho-oh-GX and Heatran respectively>Four Kiawes, four Acro Bikes, oh and four Cynthias for EVERY SINGLE DECK EVEREtc.
As for Espeon/Garbodor, it's again a tier 2 deck but GRAND DAD is dead weight with Buzzwole all over the place, otherwise it's just shifting stuff to rotation-onward.