>>42672581>are you prepping for gen 3 or 4's frontier?I was thinking of starting by attempting gen3's for the sole reason that I could transfer the mons to 4's. But now I'm starting to think this is is a bad idea. I should do gen4 instead because in gen4 I have a complete dex, a save in HG, Plat, and an incomplete SS save where I could catch a good Latios way more easily. Not to mention I already have BP to spare in gen4 and all TMs.
Pic related is what I used months ago, keep in my mind this was A) my first attempt to even EV training B) before I even played any gen2/3 games or even played Plat so I had no idea what I was up against
This team brought back silver medals easily but would get wrecked past that. The main issue was the lack of Sp Attacker, that was really dumb. For instance that one time I couldn't do anything against Steelix because an Umbreon had used Reflect before and my Brick Break Heracross was dead.
I also didn't have a single support move in favour of better coverage.
Dragonite (250-250 EVs on attack and speed) ended up being the most disappointing but just looking at it now I realize he doesn't even have the right nature. Heracross and Metagross kicked ass, except in the later's case when it'd miss; but they were both a bit redundant with the fight moves.
Metagross could also have used a better nature, I went with Steve's traded one because I was lazy to breed. iirc their egg steps are some of the worsts.
So : I think I'm going to give up on trying to catch Latios in Emerald since I don't have a Masterball I'd be better off restarting the game, and attempt gen4's BF again.
I'll see if I can catch a good one from the event in my SS save, where I do have a Masterball to spare.
Then I'll see if I can find a better Metagross. Kinda feels bad to favour it over Heracross though.
For the 3rd one I don't know yet.