Decided to go with Miltank over Umbreon, because I think I have enough slow bulky stuff anyway. I also wasted the encounter so I didn't even get a Heracross. Oh well. We thank Warhead the Magneton for his service and welcome Cream the Miltank to the team. Milk Drink is a really cool move to have out of battle.
Between Jynx and all the other ice moves most dragons in the last gym/Dragon's Den were no issue, but God that Kingdra is a killer. It did a real number on Beguile and Simple but thankfully it needed to recharge from hyper beam so I could bring Cream in to outspeed and beat it without a loss.
Then it turned out Slowking can't learn waterfall, which I never knew. So I had to keep Beguile behind while doing victory road but no issues otherwise. That rival battle is a bit of a joke really. We also beat Suicine with 2 thunder punches by Big Mama.
I'm a little dissapointed we don't have space for Skarmory on the team, cuz that's a cool encounter, but I'm really happy with this team. Gonna grind up to ~45/46 then do the E4, wish me luck.
>>55010566Honestly agree, I like the threat it poses. A special attacking explosion sounds even more terrifying though.
>>55010173>explosion at lv 15That's kinda insane too, selfdestruct should be scary enough.
>>55009845>>55009851>>55009895Great job finally finishing the run! Really cool team and good to see you brought Enigma all the way to the end! Any plans for a next run or are you taking a break after all that?
>>55009277Man you sound like you have the worst luck