>>11819249"P-Pika! Pika pi! Pikaaaaa!" Pikachu jumps in shock after reading the part of the letter you skipped over. He quickly scurries off the couch-bed and makes his way through your team.
"Pika, pika pi!" the mouse tugs at the legs of your jeans, re-directing your attention from the delicious rice to the letter.
He hands the letter to you, but of course you're not sure why. The electrical mouse points at the letter, asking for you to read it again, but no matter how many times you do, nothing sticks out as something you might have missed.
After it hits Pikachu that you aren't following him, he scurries up and does something that makes you look like a freaking retard.
He turns the letter around for you, revealing a previously hidden statement on the backside. It too shocks you, but not as bad as it does Pikachu, you only earn a gasp from it.
>PSS: Just in case you go full jerk and ignore this letter, I'm going to go out of my way to go meet you and pull you down that mountain myself. Expect me at Mt. Silver once I get a nice coat ready.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW7Op86ox9gNo. No. That's not good. That isn't good at all. And it's even worse given that there's snowstorms about. That sweet caring rural girl sincerely believes she can scale Mt. Silver and not die of major sickness or a freaking multitude of hail slapping her face repeatedly.
How much more idiotic and dense can the people of this society get? Are you objectively the only guy on this dying rock with a lick of common sense?
Although you keep your blank expression, you're irritated on the inside. Great. That's just freaking perfect, now you have to skip dinner to play the silent gentlemen and go out and save her tight rump before she gets buried in twenty feet of snow. How utterly cliche.
The words "tight rump" begins to repeat over and over in your mind.
Staying up in a mountain for a great portion of your life has really hammered down on your inexperienced hormones.