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>sometimes, if the bond between a Gardevoir and her trainer/human companion is strong enough, and they become romantically involved, the psychic abilities of the Gardevoir, combined with the intense emotional/mental bond and factors concerning a Gardevoirs egg groups, will bypass all the biological factors that would usually inhibit reproduction, and the Gardevoir can get pregnant with her human lovers child
>this is usually a rare occurrence, but religious groups have existed that dedicate themselves to this practice
>it is because of this that such religious psychic groups in the past have spawned a entirely new race known as “Voirians”
>the first generation of Voirian society usually begins with such groups mass-reproducing with Gardevoir to produce said hybrid, with the Voirian human-Gardevoir hybrids going on to reproduce with other Voirians from other unions, usually in communities seperate from the general human population. The Voirians eventually multiply and set up their various social hierarchies, classes, etc. until a full-blown Voirian civilisation is founded
>Voirian society is usually headed by an aristocracy akin to medieval Kalosian or Paldean and is feudalistic
>Voirians are usually identified by their skin tone and hair, the former usually being an ivory white colour and the later various shades of green. Voirians also have pointed ears and smaller noses than regular humans
>Hybrids also exist between humans and Voirians and Voirians and Gardevoir. Psychic ability is inherent amongst all Voirians to a degree, though the more diluted the Voirian bloodline becomes the less these psychic abilities and identifiable phenotype are present.
>Voirian architecture has heavy elements of both classical and gothic styles, generally built in white marble.
>Voirian males have chiselled features like Greek statues and have natural retracting blades on their arms made from a tough bone-like material
>Female Voirians are know for their incredible beauty/grace