>>35961510Interesting day to say the least. I beat Brawly with almost no issues. Thread tanked that Makuhita's hits like a champ. He took down all his pokémon by himself. However, sadly, I lost him in a really retarded move by myself against May's Combusken.
>May sends out her Combusken>Have Candela out>I use Thunder Wave>She uses Ember>It crits and burns>Leaves Candela at 7HP>Switch to Thread to try and end it with Gust>Uses Ember again, it takes more than half of his HP>Think paralysis would do its work>I use Gust>Paralysis doesn't do anything>Ember>RIPAnd then there was the shiny Plusle fiasco but I don't see that as a huge loss. Just a really dumb moment from me. Anyway, I welcome Candela the Electrike to my team.