>>38505591>paralyze chancegarbage
>powder moves always hitwhy?
This is a weather type that would primarily benefit Grass types. What are Grass types traditionally known for? Status effects. In this sense, I agree with buffing the powders, but don't make them broken by bypassing accuracy checks.
Taking queues from existing weather conditions and their balancing, I think this works a bit better:
>Grass-type Pokemon receive a one stage evation boost>Boost power of Grass and Fire type attacks>Powder moves are boosted to 90 accuracySandstorm damages most types, and gives an evasion boost to those with Sand Veil. Pollen gives an evasion boost to an entire type, but as a tradeoff does not deal damage.
Rain boosts Water damage, but also makes Thunder a massive threat to the (primarily water type) Pokemon who benefit from it. In the same sense, Pollen boosts Grass damage but makes Fire more dangerous in return.
Rain guarantees that Thunder will hit, but Thunder is nowhere near as annoying as a guaranteed status effect, so while Powder moves are more reliable they still aren't a sure thing.