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I really hate to rag on Volcarona in any shape or form, but Iron Moth really drives home the problem that most of the Future Paradoxes have. Even if the Past Paradoxes are largely "thing with dinosaur features", in every case outside of Scream Tail an Flutter Mane they use that to seriously fuck with the anatomy of the base mon-and in distinct ways too. Brute Bonnet becomes a weird dino-centaur mushroom, Sandy Shocks gets a part of hairy magnet walkers and an odd screw-tail, Slither Wing becomes a weird reptile-bug hybrid, Roaring Moon's tail becomes longer and the forearms become massive compared to Megamence, etc. Outside of Iron Valiant, none of the Future Paradoxes fuck with the base mon's anatomy TOO much, which leads to them feeling really samey-not helped by the fact that, for the past, the traits used to express a primordial nature ranged from longer hair to feathers to jagged teeth (of which, it was rare for all three to show up on the same mon, expressing some diversity in an otherwise uniform group), whereas for the future Paradoxes, it was expressed by turning them metal, making their eyes a display, and slapping a weird black texture somewhere on their bodies (of which, these three traits show up on EVERY one). The most distinct any of them get outside of that is a body part that starts floating, which is shared by 3 of them but ends up being completely fucking wasted as a concept on two ( Jugulis and pic related).
This isn't to say that I hate them (outside of Jugulis), hell, Iron Bundle is in my top 10 for Paldea pretty handily. I just with they went farther with the concept-like make a few of them cyborgs or play into the mon being warped into an object of convenience/pure efficiency. I saw a Future Paradox Tauros that was one of those bucking bull rides and a Future Paradox Exploud that was a walking speaker system that other day, and I thought to myself "if the real ones were like this, I'd have picked Violet in a heartbeat".