Quoted By:
>Favorite Gen
>Favorite Pokemon
Gonna have to say Marowak, I guess. Cubone's been my bro forever, but I've recently moved up to Marowak.
>Favorite Pokegirl
I like Lyra for whatever reason.
>Favorite Pokeboy
Oak. He's just too boss.
>Favorite Pokemon game
Main series: Probably Sapphire.
Spinoff: Snap
>Favorite evil team
Rocket, I guess
>Autistic Pokemon game habits
Hmm. I always name my rival CLAM because of a childhood spelling error. Also, I think the fact that I frequent /vp/ might count as my autistic pokemon habit.
>Favorite non-Pokemon show/book/movie/franchise/whatever
I'm big on Adventure Time right now. Also, my dad's always been a huge LOTR buff, so I was kind forced into that.
>Other boards you visit
/b/ for porn, /soc/ rarely, /lgbt/ from time to time, though not gay. Thought I was trans for a bit, but I think it's more likely a fetish thing
>Pet peeves
Unecessary abbreviations, like "mac 'n cheese" or "PB&J". Makes me fucking berserk.
>Political beliefs
>Religious beliefs
Atheistic agnostic. I don't think there's any evidence of a god, but I think that if there was something all powerful, it could stack to deck to make itself seem impossible. I don't know, and I don't care.
>How you ended up on /vp/
I like pokemon. A lot.
>What are you doing with your life?
I'm a biologist, mother fuckers! Got my degree in evolutionary biology.