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Whiteouts: 104
So.....let me give you a rundown on this absolute piece of shit
>Absurdly bulky
>Deals 1 quadrillion damage
>The fight takes place on the bewitched field, which means my every single Steel type is complete useless against absolutely PIECE OF SHIT
>It gets Safeguard for free during the second phase, which means status don't work against it
>It constantly gets rid of status drops
>When it reaches it's final phase after you break the third HP bar it not only gets a special attack around the 200's but it also gives every single opposing Pokemon a massive status drop on EVERY STAT
>You WILL not be able to outspeed this thing no matter what unless you're specifically using Trick Room
>It's ability literally gives it a fifth attacking move in Hex, which happens every few turns, so my Psychic types are mostly useless against this thing
>Setting up against it is nearly impossible, Narcissa barely helps during this fight
>This absolute piece of shit constantly changes typing and makes full abuse of bewitched woods' bullshit buffs to Fairy moves
>It changes the weather to benefit it
>It will hard focus your Pokemon instead of Narcissa's
>And there's possibly more since I haven't even gotten to the last HP bar yet due to how BULLSHIT this fight is.