Chapter 40 pastebin:"Ultimate" pastebin: blaring sound of a loud helicopter is what disturbs you from a peaceful dream. The helicopter has three cages tied to it, and it's en route to the town's lab.
Forced awake by the loud noise, you groan. You open the windows to your room, it's a nice day, so why not? It's also going to be the best day of your life!
Today you get a Pokemon from the Professor!
As you remind yourself of this information, you run with a smile to the mirror. You certainly look okay, just a change of clothes and maybe tidy up your hair a bit.
You scurry around the room, performing these tasks as fast as you can whilst your mother yells at you to hurry up, not only because of the special opportunity, but also because you have a "visitor" today.
After getting your things ready, you head downstairs and give your mother a kiss, only for her to remind you that you actually have company today, on this, the day that your whole life begins anew.
She points at a girl sitting in the living room. She's taking pictures all over the place much like any energetic girl your age would do.
Mom leaves you two to business. Business with someone you don't know.
You walk up to her, "Uh, I'm sorry, Have we met? How do you know me?"
She hops up, and eagerly shakes your hand with a bright smile, "That's just it, -I- don't! I'm Miss Leading, a head junior reporter and journalist, and your new employer!"