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Honestly, all fingers should just be pointed towards the galaxy brains over at marketing.
>start with a bang by looking retarded during Nintendo's previously perfect E3 appearence
>game looks and runs like shit
>barely anything shown
>add salt to that wound by announcing dex cuts
>decide to be secretive as fuck with new content
>barely anything for months
>technical issues with their shitty ponyta livestream despite it being a video with a whopping 3 seconds of content they had to review
>almost release date
>people still panicking because there's zero fucking leaks, dex cuts, and only a handful of new pokemon
>public is kept in the dark and is just getting more nervous, their weak showings just keep adding fuel to the fire
>fucking Little Town Hero bombs just before the game is set to release
>makes GF look like they're incompetent assholes
>leaks come out
>people are pretty happy for the most part
>preorders increase because of it
>they fucking shot themselves in the foot for nothing and whoever's idea it was to hide it is revealed to be a fucking retard