Quoted By:
>noun: a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.
The thing that makes me think its imaginary shit is the pokedex entries. With UBs, honest to god ALIENS in pokemon, they were straightforward with the fact that they are ayyys, and later on we travel to Dimension Ayylmao which reinforces "holy shit aliens" and nobody questions it. There's no carrot on a stick or a guy questioning if the ayys are really ayys, and the Ultra Recon Squad along with the pokedex say "This crazy motherfucker right here? Yeah its an alien from Planet Ayylmao".
If its time travel, they'd just say "yooo this Jigglypuff came from the Precambrian era from a bajillion years ago and can break steel with its screams" or "Holy shit this mecha Hydreigon from the future has a bite force of 3 million PSI". But in both games they tiptoe with EVERY Paradox Pokemon and say "ohh this thing was sighted, I think, and it kinda looks like this thing from an old book or magazine maybe???". The Pokedex has NEVER been this shit at describing a pokemon in the history of pokemon PERIOD, no matter how out there or legendary it is. There's too much weird shit that makes me think it's just straightforward timetravel, and it'd be infinitely lame and make no fucking sense if they lampshaded the absurdity of time travel and acted super vague about it just to play it straight anyway.