>>20728214>implying /k/ hasent been training me for this day>ATF arrives at my house>after King Obongo passed the Muh Feelings law, all guns are banned>they break in>find a fat man fucking a life size typhlosion plush behind a pile of sandbags and a Degtyaryov LMG>Jump off typhlosion and start firing into cops>cuts em down like a buzzsaw>exhaust ammo>ATF still coming in>close blast doors>put on some fucking pants>order a pizza from favorite Russian owned pizza place>order the Reichstag Special>a few minutes roll past>Suddenly hear loud explosions>explosions stop>feel the ground rumble>hear a low drone>suddenly, hear massive UHRA!>Open door, with typhlosion under my arm>Suddenly I am in Berlin Cira 1945>Typhlosion was actually german woman>Wherever I am, I must also rape>I then run off into the destroyed city, and continue to murder Fascist Pigs, and rape more womenSuch is the life of a Russian Conscript