The hag was cheating, I know I say this far too often, but there was something extremely wrong with her Pokemon, I have NEVER seem a Pokemon land more crits than her lead Bronzong, in 12 attempts, it nver ONCE not land at least one crit with Gyro Ball, her Gourgeist weirdly had a flying resist berry and yet it had assault vest levels of bulky?! What?! I even tried switching out Sandwich for a turn to put sun back up and Flamethrower was still doing nothing, my Koraidon has the energy converter to use it's physical attack for special moves, and yet it was still doing fucking nothing, then there's the fucking Moltres, that is an absurdly high level because fuck you, what a shit fight.>>56264052Octavius has a habit of arbitrarily making some Pokemon dogshit and others completely overtuned, believe it or not before the latest update Baculegion was Bug type in the code for whatever reason.
>>56264070When Caz was around, he left secret messages in places like this one for players to find, I dunno where the pre chapter 5 ones are.