http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mexVZUl1EOM"You know what? You're right. I am going to do something about it! Thanks for the info."
"Y'all come back anytime, sugar! Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
Hopping off the stool, you and your ensemble of Pokemon head over to the Hard-Luck Panda's exclusive VIP spot. They're busy drinking their drinks, so they don't notice you sneak up behind them.
"Frogadier, go time."
"Gekogekogekogekogekogekogeko...FROOOGAAA!" using his ninja-like reflexes, Frogadier grabs two fistfuls of Frubbles and starts tossing them like ninja stars at the panda's drinks.
They're just the perfect size for clogging and disgustifying their beverages up, and with prices at this bar through the damn roof, it's sure to piss them off too.
Frogadier makes every shot with relative ease, and no sooner does Pangoro demand an explanation.
"What the?!--OH! It's that kid! What the hell are YOU doing here--and why'd ya screw with our drinks?!"
A) "Give back my daughteru's ball, it reminds her of me!"
B) "My hat....You stole...MY HAT. Holy shit give me my fucking hat."