>>27152583To be brief, my thesis boils down this, that, whether we contemplate a Greninja in the role of a Joan of Arc, of the deceiving ninja, of the subtle and refined Bushi, of the noble and aristocratic Samurai, or of the creature whose femininity has been the boon of men all ages; or whether we contemplate her as the staunchest and most brazen of lovers, or as the most loyal and reliable of allies, or as the loving mother whose noble and integral devotion to her offspring will drive her to any form or any extreme of danger in defense of them, we are always confronted by a creature whose best can, on complete analysis and synthesis, be shown to be only the outcome of her most unhealthy and most mediocre qualities, turned to fame by misappropriation and a lack of deep thought regarding human nature; and whose best is but the tired and forced expression of her fractured endowments.