Quoted By:
1:1 DP Remake
>I preferred the let's go style to the chibi pokedoll look.
>If this has less content than Platinium I'll be skipping it
>Looker better be in it and I want some side-quests too
>No HMs, PokeRide instead please
>I have a feeling Legends will be it's own branch of pokemon games if it does well
>I've been begging for a game that takes place in the past so I'm excited for it
>I'm pretty sure Magearna and Kalos War is tied to this somehow
>The game does look really bare right now and the framerate was horrible in the trailer so they obviously have some work to do
TL:DR Going to skip the 1:1 remakes unless there's lots of new content, and super excited for Legends:Arceus