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The more I think about it, the lazier it seems. At least from what they've shown us.
I can understand some pokemon just walking around or hiding in the tall grass, like a rattata or something, but having powerful, fully evolved pokemon just walking around robotically is so boring.
Imagine you want to catch a Salamence, but instead of them just floating lifelessly around some field you can only find them in by walking through a canyon until you spot a cave high up above. So you float up on your Drifblim to check and if you're lucky the pokemon you're seeking is residing inside the cave.
Imagine checking doors for hiding Kelfki; or instead of pokemon floating at the waters surface, waiting to be caught, you actually had to dive down, checking in the crevices of coral or underwater plants, inspecting patches of sand, or exploring underwater caves and wrecks in hopes to find rare pokemon.
They could have made actual environments for pokemon to inhabit instead of just dropping them into sparse fields so they could seem more organic and make the whole experience more memorable and immersive. There's so many amazing things that could be done with this franchise that will never happen.
Encountering pokemon in patches of grass was better than this, at least then my imagination could do the work Game Freak should've been doing.
At least I have fanart.