Quoted By:
>I got a puppy, named him Jack
>Every day I'd walk him and play fetch
>Jack was my best friend, he knew if I was sad or happy, and would be the same
>Whenever I'd play Pokémon on my Game Boy, Jack would snuggle up with me
>Jack is old, and has hip problems, and doesn't have much energy
>Got Pokémon X, he still snuggles with me when play
>One day I'm playing X and Jack looks up at me with sad eyes, and just flops his head back down suddenly
>I scream for mom, she's out of the house so I have to leave Jack to go find her
>Few minutes later, I come back with mom, Jack is dead, my 3DS is beside his paw where I guess I threw it down
>We buried Jack in the backyard
>I don't feel like playing Pokémon without Jack for a few weeks
>It's just a game, whatever
>Finally I decide to play again
>Open up my 3DS, turn on game
>I play for a while, eventually I need to switch out a Pokémon in the PC
>BOX 1 only has one vertical column of Pokes in it, weird
>BOX 2 I realize they're arranged to form the letter "L"
>What the---
>I look through all the boxes
>The pokemon are all arranged to spell "I LOVE YOU MASTER -JACK."
>Break down crying
>Realize the last Pokémon "period" at the end is a shiny Mewtwo, I check its name.
>Its name is "Man you're a gullible moron to believe all these stupid 4Chan stories".