>>26859528>>26859521>>26859502Nursery Aide is in fact under 28 (she's probably about 25). Your eye go to her modest but bubble-like butt.
You use the best pickup line you could think of off the top of your head.
"Hey, babe wanna spoink?"
Nursey Aide laughed at you.
"Wow, you're funny." She said.
"Come on, let's ditch these little brats and go make sweet love on a Beartic-Skin rug!" You said.
She laughed at you even more.
"Kid, you're, like 12 or something. I'm, like, twice your age. I ain't getting busted for statutory rape." The nanny said.
She was totally unwilling to /ss/ with you, much to your disappointment.
1. Keep trying with her, be insistent.
2. Go back to Striaton
3. Fuck Striaton, skip it and go to Nacrene.
God, Unova is so linear.