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Things got really interesting at the last second. Out of curiosity I looked at Golurk's moveset and learned he could learn fucking FLY, and I wanted to take full advantage of that. And it turns out Haxorus can learn Surf too if needed (but I don't need it in this stretch of the game) so I decided to swap out Swanna for it. I can say with confidence that its a complete monster and it swept the dragon gym before it evolved until it got outdamaged by Drayden's own haxorus at the time.
The elite 4 took every single revive from my bag and I foolishly thought 11 were enough, but the only one that took multiple tries was Caitlyn. I fucking hate that Reuniclus lead. Had to resort to a lot of volt switch and switching cheese in general plus some luck. I got to N's castle and I'm trying to get every pokemon on this team at an equal baseline level