>>44251946>There was never a hint of Spritzee being a flamingo.Right, because clearly being avian with pink feathers and wings has nothing in common with Flamingos. Nothing about Aromatisse's appearance suggests perfume. The closesti t has is resembling a makeup tool, but this also resembles numerous other things like dandelions and wool. Furthermore makeup and perfume aren't even the same thing. That basis could have led to using makeup to disguise itself or surfaces, but that was more wasted potential.
>Flamenco dancer is bullshit headcanonIf the small logical step from flamenco to flamingo is too much for you, pic related is more flamenco than can can.
>Aromatisse doesn't have conflicting elements to its designYou forgot that there's also plague doctor elements use and resemblance to the mask, as well as being a makeup tool and perfume, having two different kinds of dance. So it's a flamingo can can flamenco plague doctor perfume makeup tool masquerade dancer. That's 7 different sources, 6 if you conflate the two dances and makeup+perfume(even though they're two different things).
>Ambiguous fairy monsterIf ambiguous meant "no clear design direction" you'd be onto something.
>Powderpuff and body shape suggests perfume.See above. Conflating two different things while doing nothing with the makeup aspect.
>Its fairy typing is justifiedThen what does it have in common with other fairy types? It's not a trickster like Klefki, it doesn't resemble the traditional "human with wings" depiction of fairies like Flabebe's line or Togetic, it's not straight up malevolent like Shiinotic or Hatterene. Admittedly, this is a bigger problem than just Aromatisse, but it certainly doesn't help. From your description, a "feminine palette" is all it takes.
>It's not even overdesignedDo you honestly expect a kid to look at Aromatisse and get any of the design elements listed above? They'd get can can at best, but it doesn't even do the can can kick, it just shows its legs.