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Several times.
First time was about Ghetsis coming back into Gen VI as a main antagonist for some reason. He was all set to change the weather to be this sort of antimatter that would destroy everything, and did this Disney-like shit where he kept stepping towards the player and yelling at them, slamming his cane while they stepped back.
Then the second one I can remember was fairly recently. I dreamt Gen VII was out this soon, and that we got some kind of Middle Eastern Lucario knockoff with a habib wearing pre-evo and everything. It was based off of varied styles of MMA or Krav Maga I think. Whatever. I woke up soon after after I said in my dream 'Please God, don't let Gen VI or VII suck.'
Then the third one was about going balls deep into Gen VI's legendaries and whatnot. The idea was that you'd be able to explore a desert-ish area and find these weird buildings. Once you did that, you could awaken the legendary quartet which was based off those Four Chinese Beasts, only they were all mechanical, like the Regis were. Then I woke up.
That's thrice I've disappointed myself by thinking I knew something about the later gens only to wake up and realize 'shit, that's all just in my head.' I even do it with fucking Smash Brothers too, it's crappy.