Hers my latest version of Dronia, but i got a lot more to do still. Anyway, I had an idea.
you know how in castellia or luminose you couls walk down all the little alleys and they were separate maps? Someone suggested that for the hobo dojo as well. Well I was thinking on my way home today, because we need to make a way to have you walk into an alley and have it be a new map, rather than showing an empty alley way, if we put awnings over some of them, then it could allow us to make more than one ally way walkable.
Some would be blocked by fences, some would just go through on the main map, and others would be their own separate map. They could even run horizontally regarless of north and south on the larger map, so you could go in certain houses and see certain things. I think it would make the whole city seem so much bigger, and then you have more room for secrets and hidden things, some could be alleys with houses and people, and some could be sketchy as fuck with trash and crates
>>19747490Lol, I just realized how much thats gonna suck for nuzlickers.