>>35791162I personally really really enjoyed SM, I even remember defending it on /vp/ years back. It has some of my favorite Pokemon like Silvally, Mareanie and Tsareena. I liked the NPCs, I liked UBs, I loved the totem fights and the story was pretty okay. The game had flaws sure, but after BW2, I was certain Gamefreak would iron them out and deliver a really solid final run of the generation.
And then everything went completely wrong.
No cutscene skip, no postgame, genwun pandering, no new Alolan forms, shitty minigames to detract from the fact that Alola had nothing actually going for it, and more and more and more faults. There was no reason it could not have been a 15$ DLC pack with a NG+ option, but it was sold at full price.
USUM could have been great, but the fault is with Gamefreak. Had they actually made USUM a proper sequel, it would have been one of my favorite generations, but instead it's going down as my least favorite because it represents everything wrong with GF and how they run their business.